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Director’s Reflection
Dear Companions on the Journey,
The Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland is an ecumenical gathering committed to Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and Throughout the World. From them, I have often used the following reflection:
IN THE MIDST of hunger and war,
We celebrate the promise of plenty and peace.
In the midst of oppression and tyranny,
We celebrate the promise of service and freedom.
In the midst of doubt and despair,
We celebrate the promise of faith and hope.
In the midst of fear and betrayal,
We celebrate the promise of joy and loyalty.
In the midst of hatred and death,
We celebrate the promise of love and life.
In the midst of sin and decay
We celebrate the promise of salvation and renewal.
In the midst of the dying Lord,
We celebrate the promise of the living Christ.
What do you think?
And let us pray for/with one another.
The Paulist Center